Defining Automotive Retail Processes

Today, automotive dealers are operating in an increasingly disrupted environment, creating the need for dealers to review their current operating model. The need to identify and unlock operational efficiencies, and discover new ways to operate in a digital, omnichannel environment.

While there are significant challenges dealers are facing in the traditional automotive-retail model, there also are plenty of opportunities for dealers to pivot their model in ways to succeed in today’s evolving market space. No matter which future model dealers choose, now is the time to lay the groundwork, build the required capabilities, and capitalize on new opportunities.

New technologies are rapidly emerging in the retail industry, but do you think technology itself is the answer? The answer is simply “No”, technology is a great start, but without foundational processes within the organization even the simplest technology additions are destined to fail. Organizational processes are more than just a blueprint for usage, they help determine what, if, and how new technologies or any changes are affecting productivity and revenue. They are the essential backbone of any successful organization.

Good tips when creating organizational processes:

Be Creative – Think outside the box! Status quo does not exist anymore; we all work in a constantly evolving market.

Think like your customer – If I was the customer, I would want this to happen. This sound easy but it is much harder than you think.

Document – Clearly define each step within the process even the simplest. This will help you determine if the process works or if specific steps are flawed and need revision.

Revise – Don’t be afraid to revise areas of the process, like today’s industry, your process should be always evolving.

There are many ways to build processes, but great processes are cultivated from within which provides instant buy-in, an essential component for any plan to work. Lean on your vendor partners, they should play a supportive role in your efforts to ensure defined goals and plans are successful. Remember, tomorrows success is determined by the steps taken today. Don’t be the one who simply says, “this will pass”, Most likely you may be the one who is getting passed.